Friday, May 10, 2013

what are the default post type in wordpress

Default Post Types

There are five post types that are readily available to users or internally used by the WordPress installation by default.


Post in WordPress is a post type that is typical for and most used by blogs. Posts are normally displayed in a blog in reverse sequential order by time (newest posts first). Posts are also used for creating the feeds.


Page in WordPress is like post, but it lives outside the normal time-based listings of posts. Pages can use different page templates to display them. Pages can also be organized in a hierarchical structure, with pages being parents to other pages, but they normally cannot be assigned categories and tags. If permalinks are enabled, the permalink of a page is always composed solely of the main site URL and the user-friendly and URL-valid names (also referred to asslug) of the page and its parents if they exist. See the Pages article for more information about the differences.


Attachment is a special post that holds information about a file uploaded through the WordPress media upload system, such as its description and name. For images, this is also linked to metadata information, stored in the wp_postmeta table, about the size of the images, the thumbnails generated from the images, the location of the image files, the HTML alt text, and even information obtained from EXIF data embedded in the images.


Revision is used to hold a draft post as well as any past revisions of a published post. Revisions are basically identical to the published post which they belong to, but have that post set as their parent using the post_parent column of the wp_posts table.

Navigation Menu

Navigation Menu is a type that holds information about a single item in the WordPress navigation menu system. These are the first examples of entries in the wp_posts table to be used for something other than an otherwise displayable content on the blog.

Custom Post Types

Custom post types are new post types you can create. A custom post type can be added to WordPress via theregister_post_type() function. This function allows you to define a new post type by its labels, supported features, availability and other specifics.

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